I am SOOOO excited! I just tried making Infarrantly Creative’s Homemade FOAMING Hand Soap and it was super easy.
So, I ended up fillin’ up this bottle for PENNIES this evening 😉
I started with regular hand soap in my favorite scent… A whole 98 cents worth.
Then I had to add 5(to 6) parts water to 1 part soap…
I am so NOT one of those people who figures this stuff in my head.
So, I grabbed a cheat sheet 😉 My cookbook…shhh! Lookie there– a conversion chart.
I decided to round up my 7.5 oz. of soap to 8 oz. and that meant I needed 5 cups of water.
So I poured my water into a clean milk jug. I started with the water because I didn’t want it getting all sudsy.
Then I poured in the smelly melon GOODEness.
Gave ‘er a swirl
And filled up my appropriately labeled melon soap dispenser. I think I paid $2.97 for the original bottle. This refill cost me 16 cents to make.
BUT… does it work as GOODe as the original?
You betcha!
Better even. By making it 5 parts water (vs. 6 parts) –a tip by the author– it is a tiny bit thicker and moisturizes better 😉
What a fantastic tip!
Terra says
Oh, I've got to try this! I just noticed the other day that the foaming soap bottle in my kitchen is nearly empty…thanks for the tip!
Sonya1010 says
Great idea! I’m going give this a go!!!
Infarrantly Creative says
Lovely. I am so excited you used my tip. I hope it rocks your world. Thanks for the shout out!
Gooseberry Patch says
Great tip…thanks for sharing it!
Terra says
Oh, I've got to try this! I just noticed the other day that the foaming soap bottle in my kitchen is nearly empty…thanks for the tip!
Jessica Castiglioni says
And if you bought your melon soap in bulk? Think of the savings!
Angi says
awesome, foaming soap refills are ridiculously expensive
TristineFleming says
Do you need to use the foaming soap container/bottle, or will another type work, too?
crisgoode says
You have to use a foaming soap bottle so it will pump the air into it.
TristineFleming says
Ah-ha! Good to know! Thanks!!