My Secret Garden has a secret that is helping me grow a container garden wonderland on my back deck.

It has been a while since I have given a Secret Garden update, so I thought I would check in and also share something that has been a HUGE game changer in our big back deck container garden experiment!
Most everything is green and lush and about to explode with flowers right now. I CANNOT wait!
I have learned how to propagate basil and tomato plants, so my four tomato plants have now multiplied to 11!
And, I am gifting all my family and friends basil plants every time I go anywhere!
I think it might be time for us to grill up one of our favorite recipes using basil VERY soon!
I have even had a tiny harvest of beans! I cannot WAIT to get enough to throw a mess into my crock pot!
Truth be told, even though this little experiment has had A LOT of wins, I was a bit worried during a recent heat wave how everything would do.
A lot of my container garden is in grow bags, which the plants love, but are a little hard at times to keep watered even with the trays that I was tickled to find to fit them!
But even with the trays, several of my plants were stressing in the heat between waterings.
My girl Cosmo is VERY dramatic when it comes to her need for a beverage… just saying.
However the BIG issue I was having was a couple of my tomatoes had a bout with blossom-end rot… which can be caused by inconsistent watering…eeek!
All my hard work was ending in disaster and the HOT heat of the summer was yet to come.
I needed a solution and I needed it fast.
Enter Mikey’s Irrigation Installation!
We found these highly rated Solar Irrigation Systems that do NOT require a water hookup!
Mikey then just cut and shaped the tubing to meet our needs and set the water tube to feed out any container that can hold water. We are using 18 gallon tubs.
Every plant has its own personal tap… which makes my girl Cosmo and the tomatoes, VERY happy.
They even have extension kits if you need to add more plants later because you cannot stop yourself from propagating basil… (Free plants, y’all… I cannot turn down a chance to make FREE plants.)
The BEST part is no electricity hook up and no water hook up!
You just tell the solar panel how long you want it to water and when and it does the rest!
And now the plants all get consistent watering down to the minute. Take that blossom-end rot!
I have even started adding my favorite liquid feed to some of their watering schedules.
And the plants… they be HAPPY.
And this space… it makes me happy.
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