Note: This post has images of a graphic nature… or graphically of nature is more like it…
Today we are talking poop folks. And specifically poop stains.
Brace yourself.
By Aunt Lou
My husband, Michael, has a few pet names for Ryder. Two of the most common are Poopy Magee and Poopy Doopy. There is a reason for the common factor in the names. Our baby boy can poop with the best of them. And being a breastfed baby, he has never had a non-runny diaper.
While this is completely normal I am told, it does make things a bit messy from time to time. If the diaper isn’t on tight enough or if he is sitting a certain way or whatever may be, what is supposed to stay in the diaper does not and ends up on his clothes, my clothes, blankets…well, just about anything and everything.
Isn’t he adorable?! 🙂
So what’s a momma to do?!
This Momma asked her Momma and found a wonderfully simple solution!
Ivory Soap.
Poop doesn’t stand a chance against the bars of soap you can buy for next to nothing! Who knew?!
I have used it countless times on even white clothing and the yellow stain is a distant memory after laundry. I was in awe the first time I saw this work. So I thought I would share it with you!
I don’t always get to wash and pre-treat all of his clothes immediately after he has dirtied them, so I separate them out from the rest of his laundry to treat right before washing. And yes, Ivory Soap gets out even dried on stains. Love it!
I just wet the clothing (Isn’t that nice and gross! Oh the joys of being a Momma! haha)
Rub the stain with Ivory Soap until it is covered well…as you can see, I have been using my bar just a little bit! 🙂
Then scrub with an old toothbrush and pop it into the wash. If it is extra nasty, I sometimes scrub, rinse and repeat before throwing into the wash. It just depends on the stain.
After the wash, I dry his clothes as normal and TADA! You can’t even tell that Poopy Magee earned his pet name in this cute little pair of pants and onesies!
How awesome is that?!
It is the perfect Mommy solution. It is quick, easy and cheap! What more can you ask for?!
I’m also told that this trick works on grass stains. I will definitely remember that in a couple of years when I am sure I will see just as many grass stains then as I see poop stains now. 🙂
Need a good laugh? Click through to read about our Explosive Mornings. I’m sure plenty of you will be able to relate!
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