When Add was little, she would ask “Why?” like every kiddo full of curiosity does at that age.
Somewhere along the way we started responding with “Why Not?” to keep encouraging that curiosity a little further.
Truth be told, we’ve always been a “Why Not?” sort of family and I am afraid it has only increased over these recent years. 😉 It serves us well.

Case in point: Our back deck needs painted. This is a chore for any typical deck, but our 80 ft long summer haven is a bear to stain.
That’s when I had a bit of an idea. What if we turned a mundane chore into a creative explosion?
My family was open to the idea but struggled with the vision. I assured everyone it was only paint and there was no way to mess it up. The great thing about paint is you can always paint over it!
And so, we said… “Why Not?”
So I went to Lowes for deck paint with a list of colors for us to mix and use.
I told everyone to grab a brush, paint a background and then paint whatever their heart desired.
Extra paint was to be slapped on the railing and paint strokes for the wall flower garden.
We have had so much fun watching it grow and emerge.
I can’t believe all winter I have been dreading the chore of re-staining the deck.
Instead a task was slowly turned into an experience and now we look forward to working on it and it brings us so much joy when we see it. I cannot wait to spend our summer out there.
We are almost done with the garden area and we already have plans for the other portions of the deck.
We are in LOVE with it!
Some may look at this and say “Why on earth would you do that?” and to that I say, “Why Not?”
Norma Brand says
Now I want a big back porch too! and loads of paint!
Bonnie Spangenberg says
Happy Days to look forward to and many more to come! Enjoy your summer!!!